Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Tomatoes or Jalapenos or Cilantro?: Do South Asians know where to for public health information

CDC is collaborating with public health officials in many states, the Indian Health Service, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to investigate an ongoing multi-state outbreak of human Salmonella serotype Saintpaul infections. An initial epidemiologic investigation in New Mexico and Texas comparing foods eaten by persons who were ill in May to foods eaten by well persons identified consumption of raw tomatoes as strongly linked to illness. A similar but much larger, nationwide study comparing persons who were ill in June to well persons found that ill persons were more likely to have recently consumed raw tomatoes, fresh jalapeño peppers, and fresh cilantro. These items were commonly, though not always, consumed together, so that study could not determine which item(s) caused the illnesses.

Recently, many clusters of illnesses have been identified in several states among persons who ate at restaurants. Most clusters involve fewer than 5 ill persons. Three larger clusters have been intensively investigated. In one, illnesses were linked to consumption of an item containing fresh tomatoes and fresh jalapeño peppers. In the other two, illnesses were linked to an item containing fresh jalapeño peppers and no other of the suspect items. The accumulated data from all investigations indicate that jalapeño peppers caused some illnesses but that they do not explain all illnesses. Raw tomatoes, fresh serrano peppers, and fresh cilantro also remain under investigation. Investigators from many agencies are collaborating to track the source of the implicated peppers and other produce items.


FDA is updating its warning to consumers nationwide concerning the outbreak of Salmonella serotype Saintpaul.

Although epidemiological and other evidence continues to have a strong association with certain raw tomatoes, a recent case control study and disease cluster information provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicate that not only tomatoes, but also raw jalapeno and serrano peppers may be linked to illnesses in this continuing outbreak.

At this time, the FDA is advising people in high risk populations such as elderly persons, infants and people with impaired immune systems to avoid eating raw jalapeno and raw serrano peppers.

In addition, the FDA continues to advise consumers to avoid eating raw red plum, red Roma, or red round tomatoes except for those grown in the areas listed below. Tomatoes grown in those areas have not been associated with the outbreak.

Consumers who are unsure of the origin of the tomatoes in their home should contact the store or place of purchase. If consumers are unable to determine the source of the tomatoes, they should not eat them. Types of tomatoes not associated with this outbreak include cherry tomatoes, grape tomatoes, tomatoes sold with the vine still attached, and tomatoes grown at home.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Place matters: is there an impact for South Asians in the U.S.

Unnatural Causes: Is inequality making us sick?

Episode 5:

Why is your street address such a good predictor of your health? Latino and Southeast Asian immigrants like Gwai Boonkeut have been moving into long-neglected urban neighborhoods such as those in Richmond, California, a predominantly Black city in the San Francisco Bay Area. Segregation and lack of access to jobs, nutritious foods, and safe, affordable housing have been harmful to the health of long-time African American residents, and now the newcomers’ health is suffering too.

In Gwai’s environment, petrochemical companies release tons of pollutants each year. But other environmental factors may pose a greater threat to his health. Richmond has higher than average rates of asthma hospitalization, higher rates of diabetes, and lower life expectancy. Not coincidentally, Gwai’s area also has higher rates of poverty, lower income rates, and lower rates of educational attainment. Tobacco, liquor and fast food are everywhere, but fresh produce isn’t. Quality affordable housing is hard to find, and so are safe places to play and exercise.

Sixty-five years ago, Richmond was a boom town. During World War II, the Kaiser shipyard ran 24 hours a day. The war effort drew workers of all ethnicities. But when the war ended and the shipyards closed, thousands of jobs left. Many white families took advantage of federally backed home loans to start fresh in new areas, but discriminatory policies and practices excluded people of color from those same opportunities. Between 1934 and 1962, less than 2% of $120 billion in government-backed home loans went to non-white households. In Northern California around the same time period, out of 350,000 federally guaranteed new home loans, fewer than 100 went to Black families.

All across America, in cities like Richmond, African Americans were left behind in increasingly neglected neighborhoods. As social conditions worsen, so does health. Studies have shown, for example, that living in a disadvantaged neighborhood leads to a 50-80% increase in risk for heart disease – the number one killer in America. One reason is chronic stress. Worrying about violence, lousy schools, and unpaid bills; living in substandard housing or a polluted environment; not having good access to fresh food, reliable transportation, or safe public spaces – all of these have a negative, even toxic effect on health.

In the Pacific Northwest, a neighborhood that was once much like Richmond, High Point in West Seattle, is emerging as a promising alternative. Community members, local government and developers took a radical approach in rebuilding this neighborhood – using federal funding to create a mixed-income community with health as its focus. Here, community gardeners grow and sell organic produce to other residents; neighbors socialize along clean, safe streets; children play in the park; and families with asthma breathe easily in specially designed homes.

Although High Point isn’t perfect, it’s an example of what can happen when residents, government agencies, local officials, foundations and private business work together and take health into account. As Harvard’s David Williams reminds us, “Housing policy is health policy. Neighborhood improvement policies are health policies. Everything that we can do to improve the quality of life for individuals in our society has an impact on their health and is a health policy.”