Thursday, April 30, 2009

Soliciting Call for Asian & Pacific Islander Health Abstracts for APHA Annual Meeting

The Asian & Pacific Islander (API) Caucus is soliciting abstracts for the American Public Health Association (APHA) Conference that will be held November 7-11, 2009 in Philadelphia, PA.

In most cases, structured abstracts (250 word maximum) are preferred. All research abstracts should be submitted with five sections: background/significance, objective/purpose, methods, results, and discussion/conclusions. Do not include references or citations in the text of the abstract. Do not include brand or trade names in the title and/or text of the abstract; generic names are required for continuing education credit. All abstracts must be submitted with at least two learning objectives in the proper APHA format (i.e., “By the end of the session, the participant will be able to…”). Please check the abstract title and text for spelling and grammatical errors. Do not include your name or contact information in the text portion as this prohibits blind peer review. If you are unable to identify a specific session for your abstract, please submit it under "Other." Failure to adhere to these guidelines may result in your abstract being rejected.

Peer review of abstracts is blinded. Abstracts will be peer-reviewed based on the following criteria: 

• Importance: Importance to API health
• Relevance: Relevance to API Caucus topics 
• Originality: Innovative information/cutting edge/topic not addressed elsewhere 
• Quality: Completeness describing research/project/concept/supporting data of the program/project/intervention/research
• Clarity: Clearly written and conveys essence of program/project/intervention/research
• Annual Meeting Theme: Relevance to public health without borders

Those interested in API health are invited to join the API Caucus. Further details on the API Caucus can be found at For more information about the APHA Annual Meeting and Exposition, please visit

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