Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Sanjay Gupta Appointed as Surgeon General? What does this mean for SAHEP?

Sanjay Gupta, MD has been offered the psition of the U.S. Surgeon General. Although, it has yet to be confirmed, many sources expect that Dr. Gupta will take on this new role.  What do you think this means for SAHEP? South Asians?

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Anonymous said...

A colleague and I heard him speak at an APHA closing session. I remember thinking he didn't get public health that well. c'mon, he's a neurosurgeon!

I'm also not sure of his desire to be the South Asian champion. Maybe a cancer champion cause he's friends with Lance Armstrong.

Other thoughts

Nitasha said...

agreed. However, I do think with the nature of the Surgeon General role and the work that they are now doing with NACCHO, ASTHO, DHS, etc it will expand his (or any other future Surgeon General's) knowledge base on public health. Chronic Disease, including obesity have become the limelight for discussion in public health and the impact on healthcare. I think he/she in this role will be forced to learn more about public health and do something about it.

Also - for South Asians - I do not see a direct role in his appointment to the Surgeon General's office; however, I do believe he will be great symbol/icon/role model for South Asian physicians, specifically Indians and I think seeing a physician (south asian) in a non-traditional physician role will expand the breadth of South Asian physicians...I could be wrong or hopeful..however you want to see it.