Thursday, April 16, 2009

The State of Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Health in California Report

California has the largest and most diverse Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) population in the U.S. In July 2006, the U.S. Census Bureau estimated that there are 5.1million AANPIs in California alone, accounting for approximately 14 percent of California's population. It seems that the report focuses more on Chinese, Filipino, Korean and Vietnamese populations in the state, there are a few statistics on South Asians that are included. The report includes information on immigration, citizenship, and status; socioeconomic determinants; healthcare system; behavioral risk factors; health status indicators and Recommendations.

According to the report, the following health statistics were identified for the South Asian population in California:
  • 12 percent higher than average of No usual source of care (barriers for this include limited english proficiency, insurance status, citizenship status, etc).
  • The proportion of Asian women not meeting cervical cancer screening guidelines is much higher than all other racial/ethnic groups.
  • Have higher than average rates (along with Chinese, Vietnamese and NHPIs) in NOT getting mammograms at recommended times.
  • South Asians report low rates of unequal treatment in receiving medical care, possiblydue to the relatively high proportion of South Asian medical providers in California,which provides more opportunity for South Asians to seek South Asian providers.
  • Higher than average rates of Diabetes.
  • South Asian women are least likely to be smokers.
  • South Asians have the highest rate of participating in lesiure physical activities.
  • South Asian adolescents are more likely to consume less than five servings of fruits and vegetables a day than the state's average for adolescents.
  • Cancer, heart disease, and stroke combined account for 62.4% and 60.7% of all deaths among Asian Americans and NHPIs. These rates are higher than those for White, Latino, and Black.
  • Diabetes, hypertension, and Alzheimer's disease are leading causes of death that are becoming growing concerns.
  • Heart Disease was the leading cause of death amongs Indians in California in 2004.
  • Cancer incidence rates were consistently lowest amongst all Asian American groups.
  • South Asians are at much higher rate of heart disease when adjusting for age and sex composition of the population.
  • South Asian adolescents have higher than average rates for asthma (28%).

To view the entire report, please visit:

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