Monday, September 21, 2009

Essay Contest: How Can We Fix Our Health Care System?

The Asian American Action-fund Blog (AAA) is sponsoring an essay contest centered around the healthcare debate. Specifically, how do we fix our system?

Please send your blog post on the following topic:
How can we fix our healthcare system so that everyone can get access to quality, affordable healthcare? Please share your thoughts and personal stories on why we need healthcare reform now (500 words or less).

How to Enter:

Please send entries to Richer Chen:

Deadline: September 25, 2009 at 8pm (EST)

Prizes are as follow:

First Place: One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150), 2 free tickets to the 2010 AAA-Fund Gala (a $200 value), and an exclusive invitation to become a featured AAA-Fund Blogger

Second Place: 2 free tickets to the 2010 AAA-Fund Gala (a $200 value), and an exclusive invitation to become a featured AAA-Fund Blogger

Third Place: Lunch with a AAA-Fund leader, and an exclusive invitation to become a featured AAA-Fund Blogger

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