Tuesday, September 8, 2009

What the Doctor Says...

CNNhealth.com today printed helpful pieces of information from various medical specialists. Enjoy....

The Oncologist...
Turn the grill down - when meat is charred at higher temperatures, amino acids in the meat breakdown and form carcinogens
Adopt a furry friend - animals produce endorphins and decreases the stress hormone cortisol
Have a European Lunch -

The Gynecologist....
Don't play the doctor
Reconsider the pill
Take a bathroom break

The Dentist...
Eat your antioxidants - they help protect your teeth and gums from inflamming
Limit Lemons - the high high acid content can wear away tooth enamel
Soften Up - Hard-bristle brushes can abrade tooth enamel and cause gum recession

The Podiatrist...
Size yourself up - Have your feet measured every few years
Change your shoes
Banish bear feet -

The Cardiologist...
Do some navel-grazing - storing fat around your belly is linked with a higher risk of heart disease
Take your numbers - know your blood pressure and cholesterol numbers, especially if you are over the age of 35
Go (a little) nuts - Have a handful of walnuts a few times a week

The Sports-Medicine Doctor...
Risk making a fool of yourself - do physical activities that will challenge you; change up your exercises
Get your rear in gear
Buy new sneakers

The Neurologist...
Use it or lose it - play puzzles, crosswards, and sudoko
Put stress in its place - chronic stress shrinks the memory in the brain, and the stress hormone cortisol can hamper a person's learning ability and recall
Swirl some red - Choose a glass of red wine over white, however, having more than 1 glass (for women) or 2 glasses (for men) can increase your risk of cancer and other diseases

The Spine Surgeon...
Work your core to save your back
Move in close - when picking something up from the floor, stand close to the object, get low, then lift
Don't sit still

The Psychologist...
Be selfish - learn about yourself
Hit the party circut - seek out events where you'll connect with people you care for
Get high on exercise -

The Family Physician...
Let your birthday be a health reminder
Come in with an agenda
Powwow with the family - stay on top of your family's health

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